Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This is what my younger sister in Washington wrote to me the other day when I inquired if she STILL had my Neil Young song book, after stealing it from my room 30 years ago:

"YES, I HAVE your damn Neil Young guitar book. Don't you have enough stuff in regards to him???? I will have to look for it. It is in my music box. I played a lot of that stuff on my guitar.....still do sometimes.....Needle and the Damage Done, Old Man, a lot of them. I think that is why I never gave it back. I will find it and make copies of those songs then send it to you."

I've heard this story before.
There's also some old record albums in question, but when I bring them up she changes the subject.

"This is why there are wars, because you two fight," my mother would say to the two of us, threatening to send us to the "Naughty Girl's Home," a ugly, forboding brick building located along Bluemound Road in Wauwatosa. I think it's a college now.

Old-timers say that it once, really was, a "Home for Wayward Girls."

My mother actually got on the telephone, which was at that time a party line, and pretended to call.
"Yes, Naughty Girls Home? I have two girls for you ready for pick up They can't seem to behave."

It's only slighty funny now.

Enough Diane. Give me my book back. Or I'm making a call..........

1 comment:

Lara Margelofsky said...

I'm so glad you're blogging, Sharon. :)