Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I will try to remain calm as I say this.
I have almost TWO WEEKS OF VACATION!!!!
Anyone who has ever worked in a newsroom knows what this means.
I think it's safe to say that being a reporter is a type A job for a type A personality.
I, unfortunately, am way down the alphabet, probably Q for "quasi," as the dictionary defines "a prefix,implying appearance, without reality." That or quagmire," which is how the newsroom feels at times: "a boggy land."
It takes about three days into vacation for nerve endings to stop vibrating as they realize there really is no deadline.
I don't have to tell you what kind of grin I had on my face the last few hours at work. I told David I want to stand up and let out a blood-curdling scream, just once in my life, at an inappropriate moment. You know, like they do in the movies.
"Now's a good time," he said.
You would have liked that wouldn't you David, To see me in trouble again!
Alas, I contained myself. Suffice to activate my out of office e-mail and change the phone message.
Michelle the Web-slave-master at work said I had to keep blogging while on vacation so people will keep reading. Get real Clark, no one reads this stuff. Put that whip down!
I don't know... maybe if I can find the strength to come out of the bubble bath and cross the room to the computer...............
I can hear my son's words right now "Oh, God mom, please, now I'm blind..."

1 comment:

reporter gal said...


Your blog rocks!